Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 16 Number 3 1963
PH630311An Exactly Soluble Two-body Problem with Non-central Forces
B Davies and LM Delves
pp. 311-313
PH630314A Quantum Mechanical Correction to the Statistics of the Almost One-dimensional Chain
P Lloyd and JJ O'Dwyer
pp. 314-322
PH630340The Design and Characteristics of Highly Ionized Hydrogenous Laboratory Plasma Sources
MH Brennan, JA Lehane, DD Millar and CN Watson-Munro
pp. 340-352
PH630353Damped Waves Associated with Thermal Convection
RCL Bosworth, CM Groden and OS Wecksler
pp. 353-359
PH630370Analysis of Overlapping Resonances in Proton?Carbon Scattering
D Robson and W Toutenhoofd
pp. 370-379
PH630434The Refractive Index of Methyl Chloride at 10 Gc/s
CH Burton, WB Lasich, JH Noon and RW Parsons
pp. 434-438