Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 9 Number 2 1956
PH560180Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Iron, Nickel, Titanium, and Zirconium at Low Temperatures
WRG Kemp, PG Klemens and GK White
pp. 180-188
PH560247A Study of "Spread?F" Ionospheric Echoes at Night at Brisbane. I. Range Spreading (Experimental)
RWE McNicol, HC Webster and GG Bowman
pp. 247-271
PH560272A Study of "Spread?F" Ionospheric Echoes at Night at Brisbane. II. Interpretation of Range Spreading
RWE McNicol and HC Webster
pp. 272-285
PH560286The Measurement of the Thermal Conductivities of Rocks by Observations in Boreholes
A Beck, JC Jaeger and G Newstead
pp. 286-295