Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 29 Number 5 1976
T Chandramohan and P Achuthan
pp. 347-354
PH760395Theory of Temperature Modulation Studies of Ferromagnetic Materials
GVH Wilson, DH Chaplin and KR Sydney
pp. 395-404
PH760405Gamma Ray Intensity and Angular Correlation Measurements in 160Dy
SS Bhati, Nirmal Singh, PD Bajaj and PN Trehan
pp. 405-412
PH760465Effect of Voigt-Palacios-Gordon Transformations on Thermodynamic Quantities
TM Karade and SM Borikar
pp. 465-468
PH760471Australian Journal of Physics Astrophysical Supplement
JN Clarke, AG Little and BY Mills
pp. 471-472