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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Angular Correlations in 19O

JR Southon, AR Poletti and DJ Beale

Australian Journal of Physics 29(5) 355 - 362
Published: 1976


p-y correlation measurements have been carried out on 190 levels populated by the 1BO(d, p) reaction. A cryogenically cooled thin target of lBO-enriched ice was used. Our data allow the following spin values: J(2'37) = 5/2,7/2 or 9/2; J(2'78) = 3/2+ or 7/2+; J(3'15) = 3/2 or 5/2. Previous spin assignments of 3/2 and 9/2 for the 2· 37 and 2· 78 MeY levels respectively are rigorously rejected. Mixing ratios measured for the 2,37-+0,2,78->0 and 3'15-+0'096MeY transitions agree with previous determinations. The results are discussed in terms of recent shell model and rotational model calculations on 190.

© CSIRO 1976

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