Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 28 Number 4 1975
PH750365pp Elastic Scattering and the Pomeron Periphery
Mohammad Saleem, Mohammad Rafique, Khalid L Mir, JS Mirza and SH Tirmazi
pp. 365-368
PH750369Accurate Branching Ratio Measurements in 23Na(p, g)24Mg
SG Boydell and DG Sargood
pp. 369-382
PH750437Finite Amplitude Convection in a Compressible Layer with Polytropic Structure
R Van der Borght
pp. 437-452
PH750477Corrigendum: Parity-nonconserving Effects in n-p Capture at Thermal Energies
Keith R Lassey and Bruce HJ McKellar
pp. 477-478