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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Accurate Branching Ratio Measurements in 31P(P,g)32S

SG Boydell and DG Sargood

Australian Journal of Physics 28(4) 383 - 394
Published: 1975


The reaction 3 1p(p, y)32S has been investigated in the proton energy range 0'4-1'75 MeV. Gamma ray spectra were measured for 2S resonances with Ge(Li) detectors which were carefully calibrated for relative peak efficiencies. Allowance was made for the effect of anisotropies in all the emitted y-rays. The spectra have been analysed to give branching ratios for bound and unbound levels. Comparisons made with previous work reveal some differences.

© CSIRO 1975

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