Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 25 Number 5 1972
PH720539Classification of Supernova Remnants and HII Regions from their Recombination Line Emission
JR Dickel and DK Milne
pp. 539-544
PH720545Observations of the Radio Source PKS 0123?01 at 5000, 408, and 80 MHz
RT Schilizzi, IA Lockhart and JV Wall
pp. 545-558
PH720559Positions and some Identifications for 111 Sources of about 1 Flux Unit at 408 MHz
DG Hoskins, HS Murdoch, C Hazard and DL Jauncey
pp. 559-580
PH720581The Radio Continuum of the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. The Sources at 6 cm Wavelength
RX McGee, JW Brooks and RA Batchelor
pp. 581-598
PH720613The Radio Continuum of the Large Magellanic Cloud. III. The Sources at 11 cm Wavelength
RX McGee, JW Brooks and RA Batchelor
pp. 613-618
PH720619 The Radio Continuum of the Large Magellanic Cloud. IV. Spectra of Sources
RX McGee and Lynette M Newton
pp. 619-636
PH720637A Note on the Longitudinal Diffusion of Electrons in Argon
AG Robertson and JA Rees
pp. 637-640