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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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The Radio Continuum of the Large Magellanic Cloud. IV. Spectra of Sources

RX McGee and Lynette M Newton

Australian Journal of Physics 25(5) 619 - 636
Published: 1972


The continuum radio sources in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud are classified in terms of their spectral indices. Of 52 sources for which spectral data were available three distinct classes exist: (1) sources with spectral indices = ?0·20, of which 21 out of 23 have been identified with HII regions in the Henize catalogue; (2) sources with spectral indices < ?0·20 that have been identified with Henize objects, of which it is possible that many are supernova remnants; and (3) sources with spectral indices < ?0·20 that have not been identified with optical objects and are considered to be outside the LMC. Six "double sources" with one member belonging to class (1) and the other to class (2) were found. The background continuum radiation is also discussed.

© CSIRO 1972

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