Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 24 Number 4 1971
PH710793Sub-Coulomb Stripping in the 124Sn(d,p)125Sn Reaction
DL Powell, PJ Dallimore and WF Davidson
pp. 793-804
PH710821Prompt Neutrons From 236U Fission Fragments
JW Boldeman, AR de L Musgrove and RL Walsh
pp. 821-834
PH710835On the Validity of the Two-term Approximation of the Electron Distribution Function
RE Robson and Kailash Kumar
pp. 835-840
PH710841Inelastic Collisions in the Townsend?Huxley Diffusion Experiment
JLA Francey and PK Stewart
pp. 841-846
PH710889Some Identifications for Weak Sources in the Parkes Catalogue for Declinations +20° to ?20°
JG Bolton, JV Wall and AJ Shimmins
pp. 889-898
PH710899The Polarization of Extended Radio Sources at 6 cm Wavelength. I. Extragalactic Sources
FF Gardner and JB Whiteoak
pp. 899-912
PH710913The Polarization of Extended Radio Sources at 6 cm Wavelength. II. Galactic Sources
JB Whiteoak and FF Gardner
pp. 913-924
PH710925The Effects of Cylindrical Geometry on Normal Ionizing Shock Waves
TR Blackburn and MH Brennan
pp. 925-928