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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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On the Validity of the Two-term Approximation of the Electron Distribution Function

RE Robson and Kailash Kumar

Australian Journal of Physics 24(4) 835 - 840
Published: 1971


The Boltzmann equation for electrons moving in a neutral gas under the influence of an externally applied field is solved by expanding the electron distribution function in terms of Legendre and Sonine polynomials. The solution is given in terms of infinite matrices which have elements ordered by the Sonine polynomial index, and which are dependent upon the field strength. From the structure of the formulae, it is possible to infer that truncation of the Legendre polynomial expansion after two terms is a good approximation at all field strengths. This is supported by calculations of the electron drift velocity at low field strengths, which show that the error introduced by making the two-term approximation is small, even when the deviation from equilibrium is significant. The convergence of the Sonine polynomial expansion is shown to be strongly depende:r;J.t upon field strength, and large matrices are required in the drift velocity formula at even small field strengths.

© CSIRO 1971

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