Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 22 Number 6 1969
PH690669Zero Degree Neutron Yield from the 7Li(p, n)7Be Reaction Near 2·2 MeV
HW Lefevre and GU Din
pp. 669-678
PH690679The Angular Distribution of Protons from the 12C(g, p0)11B Reaction in the Giant Resonance Region
PH Cannington and Judith M Dixon
pp. 679-686
PH690701Some Particle Distributions and Plasma?Magnetic Field Boundaries
Eleanor W Walsh
pp. 701-714
PH690715The Cross Section for the J = 0 → 2 Rotational Excitation of Hydrogen by Slow Electrons
RW Crompton, DK Gibson and AI McIntosh
pp. 715-732
PH690767Minor Meteor Showers of November, December, and January
M Srirama Rao, PVS Rama Rao and P Ramesh
pp. 767-774
PH690813The Linear Polarization of Radio Sources Between 11 and 20 cm Wavelength. III. Influence of the Galaxy on Source Depolarization and Faraday Rotation
FF Gardner, D Morris and JB Whiteoak
pp. 813-820
PH690821The Linear Polarization of Radio Sources at 6 cm Wavelength
FF Gardner, JB Whiteoak and D Morris
pp. 821-838