Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 41 Number 2 1988
PH880117Acquisition of Powder Diffraction Data with Synchrotron Radiation
DE Cox, BH Toby and MM Eddy
pp. 117-132
PH880133Powder Diffractometry at the Tsukuba Photon Factory
R Uno, H Ozawa, T Yamanaka, H Morikawa, M Ando, K Ohsumi, A Nukui, K Yukino and T Kawasaki
pp. 133-144
PH880173Profile Analysis for Microcrystalline Properties by the Fourier and Other Methods
JI Langford, R Delhez, ThH de Keijser and EJ Mittemeijer
pp. 173-188
PH880189Generalised Least-squares Determination of Triaxial Stress States by X-ray Diffraction and the Associated Errors
RA Winholtz and JB Cohen
pp. 189-200
PH880213Size and Strain Parameters from Peak Profiles: Sense and Nonsense
R Delhez, ThR de Keijser, EJ Mittemeijer and JI Langford
pp. 213-228
PH880229Learned Peak Shape Functions for Powder Diffraction Data
A Hepp and Ch Baerlocher
pp. 229-236
PH880251X-ray Line Broadening Study on Shock-modified Zirconia
B Morosin, RA Graham, Y Zhang, JM Stewart and CR Hubbard
pp. 251-260
PH880261Structure and Properties of Surface Layers: X-ray Diffraction Studies
R Delhez, ThH de Keijser, EJ Mittemeijer, BJ Thijsse, MA Hollanders, OB Loopstra and WG Sloof
pp. 261-282
PH880311Use of Full Diffraction Spectra, Both Experimental and Calculated, in Quantitative Powder Diffraction Analysis
Deane K Smith, Gerald G Johnson Jr and Andrew M Wims
pp. 311-322
PH880323Quantitative Analysis of Phases in Zeolite Bearing Rocks from Full X-ray Diffraction Profiles
JC Taylor and SR Pecover
pp. 323-336