Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 36 Number 4 1983
ME Sevior, LW Mitchell, MR Anderson, CIW Tingwell and DG Sargood
pp. 463-472
PH830473Cross Sections for Electron?Carbon Monoxide Collisions in the Range 1?4 eV
GN Haddad and HB Milloy
pp. 473-484
PH830485Determinantal Representations for the Crystallographic Point Groups
KJ Duff and EH Salib
pp. 485-490
PH830491Solenoidal Excitation of Eigenmodes in Cylindrical Magnetized Plasma with Two Ion Species
TD Kieu and WN-C Sy
pp. 491-500
PH830507The Australian High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffractometer
CJ Howard, CJ Ball, RL Davis and MM Elcombe
pp. 507-518