Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 36 Number 2 1983
PH830127Nuclear Orientation of 152Eu in Gold
PJ Blamey, D Bingham, JA Barclay and JD Cashion
pp. 127-134
PH830135An Analytic Distorted Wave Approximation for Intermediate Energy Proton Scattering
F Di Marzio and K Amos
pp. 135-154
PH830155Elastic Scattering of Heavy Ions and the Compressibility of Nuclear Matter
KA Gridnev, EF Hefter, K Mikulaš, VM Semjonov and VB Subbotin
pp. 155-162
PH830185Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Gamma Rays from V3Si
SS Ti, TR Finlayson, TF Smith, JD Cashion and PE Clark
pp. 185-196
PH830197Flow Distribution in Parallel Connected Manifolds for Evacuated Tubular Solar Collectors
RC McPhedran, DJM Mackey, DR McKenzie and RE Collins
pp. 197-220
PH830227Comment on the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum in the Light of Results from Atmospheric Cerenkov Studies
RW Clay, AG Gregory, PR Gerhardy and GJ Thornton
pp. 227-234