Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 32 Number 5 1979
PH790439An Analysis of the ?-ray Decay of Weak s Resonances in 40Ca
VA Knat'ko, BA Martsynkevich and EA Rudak
pp. 439-446
PH790463Heat Capacities and Grüneisen Parameters for NaF and NaBr below 25 K
JA Birch, JG Collins and GK White
pp. 463-468
PH790511Optical Positions for Identifications from the MC2 and MC3 Catalogues
HS Murdoch and N Sanitt
pp. 511-524
PH790529LEED Peak Widths: a Fabry-Perot Etalon Analogue
Richard Payling, JA Ramsey and RG Turner
pp. 529-532