Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 47 Number 6 1994
N Alexander, K Amos and L Berge
pp. 681-702
PH940703Electron Impact Excitation-Autoionisation of the (2s2)1S, (2p2)1D and (2s2p)1P Autoionising States of Helium
O Samardzic, J-A Hurn, E Weigold and MJ Brunger
pp. 703-720
PH940721Close Coupling Theory of Positron Scattering from Alkali Atoms
Jim Mitroy and Kurunathan Ratnavelu
pp. 721-742
PH940751Schwinger Variational Calculation for Ionisation of Hydrogen Atoms by Electrons
JN Das, A Dey and K Chakrabarti
pp. 751-756
PH940757Solitary Magnetosonic Waves in Relativistic Plasma
Joydeep Mukherjee and A Roy Chowdhury
pp. 757-772
PH940773Self-focusing of Nonlinear Waves in a Relativistic Plasma with Positive and Negative Ions
Joydeep Mukherjee and A Roy Chowdhury
pp. 773-784
PH940785Effect of Electron Inertia on Double Layers in a Relativistic Hot Plasma
K Roy Chowdhury, SN Paul and A Roy Chowdhury
pp. 785-794
PH940795Elastic Behaviour of Terbium Metaphosphate Glasses Under High Pressures
HB Senin, HAA Sidek and GA Saunders
pp. 795-810
PH940817Solar Flare Surges in relation to Active Prominences and Sunspots
TK Das, TN Chatterjee and AK Sen
pp. 817-820