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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Close Coupling Theory of Positron Scattering from Alkali Atoms

Jim Mitroy and Kurunathan Ratnavelu

Australian Journal of Physics 47(6) 721 - 742
Published: 1994


The close coupling equatious for positron-alkali atom scattering are written as a set of coupled momentum-space Lippmann-Schwinger equations. The alkali atom is represented by a frozen-core model based upon the Hartree-Fock approximation. The interaction between the positronium and the residual ion is modified by the inclusion of a core potential. Similarly, a core term is present in the interaction describing the rearrangement process. Close coupling calculations of positron scattering from sodium are performed in a model containing multiple sodium (3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p) and positronium (Is, 2s, 2p) states. Cross sections are reported for an energy range from threshold to 50·eV; the total cross sections are in agreement with experimental data.

© CSIRO 1994

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