Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 45 Number 6 1992
Lloyd CL Hollenberg and Christopher J Griffin
pp. 717-724
PH920749The 12C(p, g)13N Cross Section near the Ep = 0ยท46 MeV Peak
S Hinds and FC Barker
pp. 749-756
PH920757Positronium Formation in e+ ?Na Scattering
N Ranjit Singh, Keka Basu Choudhury, PS Mazumdar and S Brajamani
pp. 757-760
PH920761Nonlinear Wave Number Shift and Modulational Instability for Large Amplitude Waves in a Relativistic Magnetised Plasma
J Mukhopadhyay, G Pakira and A Roy Chowdhury
pp. 761-772
PH920773Determination of the Unit Cell for an Epitaxial Layer of Hg1-xCdxTe Deposited on GaAs
Zhu Nanchang, Andrew W Stevenson and Li Runshen
pp. 773-780
PH920781Determination of Barrier Height and Doping Density of a Schottky Diode from Infrared Photoresponse Measurements
Vincent WL Chin and Stephen M Newbury
pp. 781-788
PH920789Magnetic Susceptibility of V, Cr, Mn and Mo and Magnetism in Cr and Mn
Yuzhi Zhao and JL Fry
pp. 789-796