Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 43 Numbers 4 & 5 1990
PH900393Imaging Semiconductors, Metals and Molecules with Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
RJ Wilson, S Chiang and DD Chambliss
pp. 393-400
PH900453Effects of Diffraction on the (e,2e) Reaction in Crystals
LJ Allen, lE McCarthy, VW Maslen and CJ Rossouw
pp. 453-464
PH900465A Review of (e,2e) Studies in Thin Films and Some Recent Results
JF Williams and PA Hayes
pp. 465-484
PH900499Applications of Low-energy Electron Diffraction to Ordering at Crystal and Quasicrystal Surfaces
EC McRae and RA Malic
pp. 499-518
PH900519A LEED Fine Structure Study of Oxygen Adsorption on Cu(001) and Cu(111)
C Hitchen, S Thurgate and P Jennings
pp. 519-534
PH900535Auger Lineshape Analysis of Disorder and Rehydrogenation Induced Changes in the Electronic Structure of Silicon Surfaces
CP Lund, BW Clare, JCL Cornish, GT Hefter, PJ Jennings and C Klauber
pp. 535-542
PH900601The Study of Surfaces Using Ion Beams
DJ O'Connor, BV King, RJ MacDonald, YC Shen and Xu Chen
pp. 601-616
PH900617Linear and Nonlinear Light Scattering from the Surfaces of Liquids
AD Buckingham
pp. 617-624
PH900625Auger Electron Spectra of Molecules: The First Row Hydrides
FP Larkins, LC Tulea and EZ Chelkowska
pp. 625-640
PH900651Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Solids ? VUV Band Structure Studies
Robert Leckey and John Riley
pp. 651-664
PH900665Low Energy Electron Scattering From H2
MJ Brunger, Stephen J Buckman and DS Newman
pp. 665-682
PH900683Spectroscopy and Structure of Aromatic?Rare Gas Cluster Ions
Ruth I McKay, Evan J Bieske, Ian M Atkinson, Frederick R Bennett, Andrew J Bradley, Mark W Rainbird, Andrew B Rock, Angelo S Uichanco and Alan EW Knight
pp. 683-702