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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Thermoelectric Power of Dilute Copper and Silver Alloys

FJ Blatt, M Garber, RH Kropschot and B Scott

Australian Journal of Physics 13(2) 223 - 237
Published: 1960


Measurements of the thermoelectric power of several dilute copper and silver alloys are reported. The thermoelectric powers of the alloys were measured between about 8 and 350 oK. The results have been analysed using the Mott-Friedel relation. We have found that good agreement between the calculated and measured thermoelectric powers can be obtained only if it is assumed that the absolute thermoelectric power of pure copper and pure silver consists of two contributions: one, .the usual f.t:ee-electron contribution and another, which is believed to be due to phonon drag_ This phonon drag contribution is of the correct magnitude and shows the expected temperature dependence. Moreover, the effect of alloying on the phonon drag contribution is in agreement with theoretical estimates.

© CSIRO 1960

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