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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.
Table of Contents
Pacific Conservation Biology

Pacific Conservation Biology

Volume 25 Number 1 2019

Conservation Advocacy

Whether conservation biologists should engage in advocacy has been a controversial topic for many years. I argue that conservation biologists should acknowledge their primary responsibility in a civil society as informed citizens possessing specialised knowledge and should aim to influence conservation policy through a variety of communication channels.

Conservation scientists need to be public advocates for creating economies that are ecologically sustainable. In addition, they must assume a role of leadership in the development of global environmental policies and the creation of a world where all species share the Earth’s resources. At present that world does not exist.

Benthic waters of Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania de-oxygenated as fish production grew. The reverse precautionary response was to undertake further research because the causes of the changes were not fully understood. To help avoid such a response, research on the environmental impacts of an industry needs to be undertaken by scientists in secure positions funded independently of industry and government.

This opinion piece explains the importance of taxonomy and why it is critical to actually identify species. However, the ability to be able to do this is declining here in Australia and we desperately need to rectify this situation. We taxonomists need to become better advocates for our discipline and better explain to our colleagues and the general public why taxonomy is useful. We need to develop illustrated guides and develop online guides, with websites that are widely marketed and can be useful for other scientists as well as the general public.

PC17036Dingo singing: the howl of the advocate

Angela Wardell-Johnson, Clare Archer-Lean and Jennifer Carter
pp. 37-49

Advocacy in World Heritage protected areas is challenging traditional management. Contextualised analysis compared advocacy on behalf of the K’gari-Fraser Island dingo in the management community with the research community. Advocacy in scientific discussion is crucial for negotiation to achieve conservation outcomes acceptable to managers in a World Heritage context.

PC18058The contest for the tall forests of south-western Australia and the discourses of advocates

Grant Wardell-Johnson 0000-0002-6751-9224, Angela Wardell-Johnson 0000-0002-8392-2494, Beth Schultz, Joe Dortch, Todd Robinson, Len Collard and Michael Calver
pp. 50-71

By analysing a cross section of 118 statements published over 187 years, we differentiate seven discourses to describe the history of forest management in the tall forests of south-western Australia. Management for a more comprehensive set of values would acknowledge a new moral consensus.

Conservation biologists should evaluate the defamatory potential of proposed ad hominem criticisms and ensure that criticisms are made for a proper purpose, have an adequate factual grounding, and are formulated as a statement of opinion if the truth of the allegations would be difficult to prove in court.

Some scientists who engage in public advocacy come under attack. It is worthwhile preparing by learning about the risks, increasing financial security and building networks for personal support. When under attack, it is important to document actions, seek advice and mobilise support. Supporting outspoken scientists protects scientific freedom for all.

Committee on Publication Ethics

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest are invited for an Editor-in-Chief or joint Editors-in-Chief, commencing July 2025.

Ivor Beatty Award

Kit Prendergast has been awarded the Ivor Beatty Award for 2023.
