Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 19 Number 1 2013
PC130010Long-haul research: benefits for conserving and managing biodiversity.
Chris R Dickman
pp. 10-17
PC130018Extinction: locally extinct for n years — a spatial and temporal measure.
Graham R Fulton
pp. 18-18
PC130019Blunt trauma observed in a common dolphin delphinus sp. Likely caused by a vessel collision in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand.
E Martinez and K A Stockin
pp. 19-27
PC130028The effect of patch area on birds in central Australian mulga (Acacia aneura) woodland of different times-since-fire.
Adam J Leavesley and Geofferey J Cary
pp. 28-38
PC130039Distribution and habitat of the critically endangered Capricorn Yellow Chat Epthianura crocea macgregori.
Wayne A Houston, Robert L Black and Rod J Elder
pp. 39-54
PC130055Retention of transmitter attachments on black cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus spp.).
Anna T Le Souef, Dejan Stojanovic, Allan H Burbidge, Simone D Vitali, Robert Heinsohn, Rick Dawson and Kristin S Warren
pp. 55-57
PC130058Woodland birds persisting in least disturbed environment: Birds of Dryandra Woodland 1953–2008.
Graham R Fulton
pp. 58-75
PC130076Ecology of black cockatoos at a mine-site in the eastern jarrah-marri forest, western Australia.
J G H Lee, H C Finn and M C Calver
pp. 76-90