Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 1 Number 2 1994
PC940084Management for the conservation of Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri) - a reply
M. A. MacFarlane and R. H. Loyn
pp. 84-86
PC940098Biogeography of Australian monsoon rainforest mammals: implications for the conservation of rainforest mammals
D. M. J. S. Bowman and J. C. Z. Woinarski
pp. 98-106
PC940118The application of fluctuating asymmetry in the monitoring of animal populations
Stephen Sarre, John M. Dearn and Arthur Georges
pp. 118-122
PC940123Genetic studies of the Hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata: evidence for multiple stocks in Australian waters
D. Broderick, C. Moritz, J. D. Miller, M. Guinea, R. I. T. Prince and C. J. Limpus
pp. 123-131
PC940132The zoogeographic significance of urban bushland remnants to reptiles in the Perth region, Western Australia
R. A. How and J. Dell
pp. 132-140
PC940141Trends in the population of the Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat Lasiorhinus krefftii in Epping Forest National Park, Central Queensland
Doug G. Crossman, Christopher N. Johnsow and Alan B. Horsup
pp. 141-149
PC940150Further evidence for the precipitous decline of endemic rainforest frogs in tropical Australia*
M. P. Trenerry, W. F. Laurance and K. R. McDonald
pp. 150-153
PC940154Biodiversity of mediterranean ecosystems in Australia
Ed R. J. Hobbs and Julian Reid
pp. 154-155