Open data for biogeography research of the genus Metrosideros across the south-central Pacific region
Thomas R. Etherington

Mapping the distribution of species from the genus Metrosideros is crucial for developing surveillance and management plans associated with species conservation in response to issues such as rapid ‘ōhi‘a death spread in the south-central Pacific region.
To support this endeavour, we recognised there was a need for open and reliable geographic information system data on island locations, extents, and occurrence data of Metrosideros species.
Using an open science framework, we reviewed six sources of island data and five sources of species occurrence data for availability, accuracy, and licencing criteria.
OpenStreetMap emerged as the optimal island location data, offering accuracy, precision, and open licencing, with this data improved and reprojected for mapping purposes. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility provided the majority of Metrosideros species occurrence data, but analysis of occurrence data from iNaturalist revealed common mis-identifications with regional biases that were corrected prior to compilation. The occurrence data of Metrosideros species was also supplemented by vegetation plot data, with HAVPlot and sPlotOpen providing key additional data for some species and islands.
Citizen science data via iNaturalist and OpenStreetMap formed the core of the compiled datasets. While such crowdsourced data can have quality issues, with additional crowdsourced curatorial effort these datasets will be significant and scalable sources of data into the future.
All compiled occurrence and GIS data are made openly available via permissive data licences to better support future biogeographical research in the south-central Pacific region.
Keywords: Ceratocystis huliohia, Ceratocystis lukuohia, citizen science, GIS data, mapping, Myrtaceae, occurrence data, rapid ‘ōhi‘a death.
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