A targeted study to determine the conservation status of a Data Deficient montane lizard, the Eungella shadeskink (Saproscincus eungellensis)
Nicholas A. Scott A # , Jordan Mulder A # , Arman N. Pili A B , Paul M. Oliver

# These authors contributed equally to this paper.
§ Joint senior author.
Handling Editor: Dan Lunney
Combatting biodiversity loss is often hamstrung by a lack of species-specific knowledge. Species considered Data Deficient (DD) on the IUCN Red List are poorly understood and often neglected in conservation investment, despite evidence they are often threatened. Reptiles have the highest percentage of DD species for any terrestrial vertebrate group.
We aimed to assess the conservation status of the DD Eungella shadeskink (Saproscincus eungellensis), which is endemic to Eungella National Park, Queensland, Australia.
A combination of a targeted field survey, ecological studies, and species distribution modelling were used.
Saproscincus eungellensis typically occurred within 25 m of streams, at elevations between 700 and 1000 m. The species is thigmothermic, with a low active body temperature (~23–26°C) and was predominantly observed on rocks and fallen palm fronds. The species has a highly restricted distribution with an estimated Area of Occupancy of 36 km2 and Extent of Occurrence of 81.7 km2, comprising one location (defined by the threat of climate change) with an estimated 16,352–52,892 mature individuals. The main threats are fire, invasive alien species and climate change, with the species forecast to lose all suitable habitat by 2080 under all climate change scenarios.
The species meets listing criteria for Critically Endangered under Criterion B of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Our results support recent studies indicating that some DD species are highly threatened. Our approach provides a template for conducting targeted studies to determine the conservation status of DD species, especially those with restricted ranges.
Keywords: climate change, Eungella National Park, extinction risk, fire, invasive species, IUCN Red List, Scincidae, SDM, species distributional modelling.
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