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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

Genetic diversity of an undescribed cryptic maskray (Neotrygon sp.) species from Fiji

Kerstin Glaus A * , Epeli Loganimoce A , Gauthier Mescam B and Sharon A. Appleyard C
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Ocean and Natural Sciences, SAGEONS, The University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji.

B Projects Abroad UK, Limited Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6AF, England.

C CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection, National Research Collections Australia, Hobart, Tas, Australia.

* Correspondence to:

Handling Editor: Karissa Lear

Pacific Conservation Biology 30, PC23064
Submitted: 22 December 2023  Accepted: 18 August 2024  Published: 12 September 2024

© 2024 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND)



The extinction risk of sharks and rays exceeds that of most other vertebrates. Genetic analyses can help identify conservation risks.


Identification of Fiji’s maskray and testing the null hypothesis of no genetic differentiation within the species over time.


Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) barcoding was used for species identification, and DArT-seq technology to monitor the genetic diversity. Cohort samples were collected in 2015 and 2022. A subset from each cohort was barcoded. The genetic survey was complemented by a size comparison between the two cohorts.

Key results

Barcoding of the COI gene showed a maximum similarity of 97.84% to Kuhl’s maskray (Neotrygon kuhlii) and 96.83% to the Coral Sea maskray (Neotrygon trigonoides), but no higher-level distinct species match to reference sequences in the Barcode of Life Datasystem. Genotyping of 56 individuals in two cohorts yielded 21,293 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and 3871 SNPs per individual were retained. The neutral genetic diversity remained stable over time. The 2015 cohort showed positive inbreeding, with one full-sibling pair identified in each cohort. Body size comparisons indicated a significant reduction in disc length and width in the 2022 cohort.


The smaller body size of the 2022 cohort may hint at increased fishing pressure, but genetic diversity has not been affected. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted.


These findings provide insights into the genetic diversity of Fiji’s maskray and enable a genetic comparison with current Neotrygon species known in the region. Taxonomy confirmation is needed, but the presence of a cryptic or potentially new maskray in Fiji seems plausible.

Keywords: batoids, COI barcoding, Dasyatidae, elasmobranchs, morphology, Oceania, single nucleotide polymorphisms, taxonomy.


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