New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 22 Numbers 5 & 6 2011
One Health
NB10076A review of the epidemiology and surveillance of viral zoonotic encephalitis and the impact on human health in Australia
Beverley J. Paterson, John S. Mackenzie, David N. Durrheim and David Smith
pp. 99-104
NB11003One Health in NSW: coordination of human and animal health sector management of zoonoses of public health significance
Sheena Adamson, Andrew Marich and Ian Roth
pp. 105-112
NB10077Hendra virus: what do we know?
Isabel M. R. Hess, Peter D. Massey, Belinda Walker, Deborah J. Middleton and Therese M. Wright
pp. 118-122
NB10060Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Automated data extraction from general practice: influenza-like illness surveillance
Gösta Liljeqvist, Hans Blom and C. Raina MacIntyre
pp. 127-127
NB11019Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, March and April 2011
Communicable Diseases Branch
pp. 129-135