New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 15 Numbers 5 & 6 2004
Tobacco Control in Australia: Victims of Our Past Success?
NB04020Current tobacco smoking by the NSW population and the consequences for health
Elayne Mitchell and John Sanders
pp. 87-91
NB04022A report on the NSW Tobacco Action Plan 2001–2004
Julie Anne Mitchell and Sue Hailstone
pp. 95-98
NB04023Managing nicotine dependence in NSW hospital patients
Luke Wolfenden, Megan Freund, Elizabeth Campbell, John Wiggers, Christine Paul and Elayne Mitchell
pp. 98-101
NB04024Litigation and its current role in tobacco regulation in Australia
Jonathan Liberman
pp. 102-103
NB04025Promoting tobacco to the young in the age of advertising bans
Greg Soulos and Stafford Sanders
pp. 104-106
NB04028Continuous NSW health survey: Quarterly report on health status, health behaviours, and risk factors
Katie Irvine and Margo Eyeson-Annan
pp. 112-114