Volume 115 Number 1 2015
MU13086The frequency of ingested plastic debris and its effects on body condition of Short-tailed Shearwater (Puffinus tenuirostris) pre-fledging chicks in Tasmania, Australia
MU13028Avian responses to varying intensity of cattle production in Spartina densiflora saltmarshes of south-eastern South America
MU14018Variation in productivity of Grey-faced Petrels (Pterodroma gouldi) with local burrow density and breeding island
MU13113Study of seed dispersal by Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) in the Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) forests of south-western Australia through satellite telemetry
MU14047Evolutionary history of birds across southern Australia: structure, history and taxonomic implications of mitochondrial DNA diversity in an ecologically diverse suite of species
The use of DNA sequences to read the footprint of evolution has grown explosively in the last 25 years. In this paper, DNA sequences are used to understand how the present-day genetic diversity of bird species in southern Australia has been shaped by both environmental forces and the ecology of the birds themselves. While affirming expectations that species of wetter habitats were isolated between eastern and western Australia much earlier than species of drier habitats, we also see how species that move widely in search of food have less genetic structure than more sedentary species. In addition, this paper also argues the need for changes to how we classify some birds. We are suggesting that some birds considered as one species until now need to be recognised as two species. In other cases, we can pinpoint where more work is needed before such a decision can be made.