Volume 114 Number 1 2014
Jack Baker, Kerinne J. Harvey and Kris French
pp. 1-12
MU12098Do bird species richness and community structure vary with mistletoe flowering and fruiting in Western Australia?
Kathryn R. Napier, Suzanne H. Mather, Todd J. McWhorter and Patricia A. Fleming
pp. 13-22
MU12108Influence of moult and location on patterns of daily movement by Egyptian Geese in South Africa
Mduduzi Ndlovu, Graeme S. Cumming and Philip A. R. Hockey
pp. 23-29
MU12121Waterbird use of different treatment stages in waste-stabilisation pond systems
Christopher G. Murray, Sabine Kasel, Erin Szantyr, Regan Barratt and Andrew J. Hamilton
pp. 30-40
MU12062Nesting success and productivity of Tucuman Parrots (Amazona tucumana) in high-altitude forests of Argentina: do they differ from lowland Amazona parrots?
Luis Rivera, Natalia Politi, Enrique H. Bucher and Anna Pidgeon
pp. 41-49
MU12097Shorebirds can adopt foraging strategies that take advantage of human fishing practices
Vitor O. Lunardi and Regina H. Macedo
pp. 50-60
MU13016Relationships between time since fire and honeyeater abundance in montane heathland
Michael J. M. Franklin, E. Charles Morris and Richard E. Major
pp. 61-68
MU13021Evidence of philopatry and natal dispersal in Humboldt Penguins
Alejandro Simeone and Roberta S. Wallace
pp. 69-73
MU13031Breeding parameters of the Sooty Shearwater (Ardenna grisea) on Long Island, New Zealand
Amelia F. Geary, Steve E. Corin and Nicola J. Nelson
pp. 74-79
MU13039Temporal change of the song of a local population of the Grey Warbler (Gerygone igata): has its song changed over time?
Joseph F. Azar, Ben D. Bell and Marta Borowiec
pp. 80-85