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Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal SocietyAustralian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal Society
A journal for meteorology, climate, oceanography, hydrology and space weather focused on the southern hemisphere

The Antarctic Ozone Hole during 2013

Andrew R. Klekociuk, Paul B. Krummel, Matthew B. Tully, H. Peter Gies, Simon P. Alexander, Paul J. Fraser, Stuart I. Henderson, John Javorniczky, Jonathon D. Shanklin, Robyn Schofield and Kane A. Stone

Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal 65(2) 247 - 266
Published: 2015


We review the 2013 Antarctic ozone hole, making use of various ground-based, in-situ and remotely-sensed ozone measurements, ground-based measurements of ultraviolet radiation and meteorological reanalyses. Based on analysis of 34 years of satellite records spanning 1979-2013 (which excludes 1995), we find that in terms of maximum area, minimum ozone level and total ozone deficit, the ozone hole in 2013 was typical of other years of moderate ozone loss. The estimated integrated ozone mass effectively depleted within the ozone hole of 2013 was approximately 1037 Mt, which was the 17th largest deficit on record and 41% of the peak deficit observed in 2006. Anomalously cold winter temperatures in the lower stratosphere over Antarctica and concurrent strong and stable vortex conditions favoured the potential for strong ozone depletion in 2013. However, anomalous warming of the polar vortex that occurred from late August limited the overall severity of ozone depletion during spring, and resulted in the relatively early breakup of the ozone hole in mid-November.

© Commonwealth of Australia represented by the Bureau of Meterology 2015. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND).

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