Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 54 Number 4 2003
Billfish Special Issue
MF01290Stock structure of the world's istiophorid billfishes: a genetic perspective
John E. Graves and Jan R. McDowell
pp. 287-298
MF01273Evidence of blue marlin, Makaira nigricans , spawning in the vicinity of Exuma Sound, Bahamas
Joseph E. Serafy, Robert K. Cowen, Claire B. Paris, Thomas R. Capo and Stacy A. Luthy
pp. 299-306
MF01277Age and growth of black marlin, Makaira indica , in east coast Australian waters
Peter Speare
pp. 307-314
MF02011Reproductive dynamics of broadbill swordfish, Xiphias gladius , in the domestic longline fishery off eastern Australia
Jock Young, Anita Drake, Michael Brickhill, Jessica Farley and Thor Carter
pp. 315-332
MF02126Retinal specializations in the blue marlin: eyes designed for sensitivity to low light levels
Kerstin A. Fritsches, N. Justin Marshall and Eric J. Warrant
pp. 333-341
MF02072A perspective on billfish biological research and recommendations for the future
Kim N. Holland
pp. 343-347
MF01246Stock assessment of blue marlin (Makaira nigricans ) in the Pacific using MULTIFAN-CL
Pierre Kleiber, Michael G. Hinton and Yuji Uozumi
pp. 349-360
MF02057ICCAT stock assessments of Atlantic billfish
Victor Restrepo, Eric D. Prince, Gerry P. Scott and Yuji Uozumi
pp. 361-367
MF01253Tests of the robustness of habitat-standardized abundance indices using simulated blue marlin catch–effort data
C. Phillip Goodyear
pp. 369-381
MF01268Relationship between catch, effort, CPUE and local abundance for non-target species, such as billfishes, caught by Indian Ocean longline fisheries
Alain Fonteneau and Nicolas Richard
pp. 383-392
MF01254Blue marlin mean length: simulated response to increasing fishing mortality
C. Phillip Goodyear
pp. 401-408
MF01255Spatio-temporal distribution of longline catch per unit effort, sea surface temperature and Atlantic marlin
C. Phillip Goodyear
pp. 409-417
MF01249Pelagic fisheries catching blue and striped marlins in the US Western Pacific islands
P. Dalzell and C. H. Boggs
pp. 419-424
MF01269Monitoring the recreational gamefish fishery off south-eastern Australia
Michael Lowry and Jeff Murphy
pp. 425-434
MF01270Mortality rate of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax ) caught with recreational tackle
Michael L. Domeier, Heidi Dewar and Nicole Nasby-Lucas
pp. 435-445
MF01275Use of charter boat data to infer the annual availability of black marlin, Makaira indica , to the recreational fishery off Cairns, Australia
Robert A. Campbell, Julian G. Pepperell and Timothy L. O. Davis
pp. 447-457
MF01271Factors affecting striped marlin catch rate in the New Zealand recreational fishery
John Holdsworth, Peter Saul and Gene Browne
pp. 473-481
MF01258Analysis of sportfishing catch rates of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax ) at Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico, and their relation to sea surface temperature
Sofía Ortega-García, Alexander Klett-Traulsen and German Ponce-Díaz
pp. 483-488
MF02028Global overview of the major constituent-based billfish tagging programs and their results since 1954
Mauricio Ortiz, Eric D. Prince, Joseph E. Serafy, David B. Holts, Kay B. Davy, Julian G. Pepperell, Michael B. Lowry and John C. Holdsworth
pp. 489-507
MF01252Sailfish movement in the Arabian Gulf: a summary of tagging efforts
John Hoolihan
pp. 509-513
MF03022Short-term movement and behaviour of black marlin Makaira indica in the Coral Sea as determined through a pop-up satellite archival tagging experiment
John S. Gunn, Toby A. Patterson and Julian G. Pepperell
pp. 515-525
MF01245Swimming behaviour and migration of a swordfish recorded by an archival tag
Mio Takahashi, Hiroshi Okamura, Kotaro Yokawa and Makoto Okazaki
pp. 527-534
MF01261Marlin fisheries management in Australia
James D. Findlay, Colleen M. Cross and Andrew G. Bodsworth
pp. 535-543
MF01279Social and economic perspective on recreational billfish fisheries
Robert B. Ditton and John R. Stoll
pp. 545-554
MF02001Use of minimum size regulations to achieve reduction targets for marlin landings in the Atlantic Ocean
Arietta Venizelos, Frederick Sutter and Joseph Serafy
pp. 567-573
MF01266Managing Atlantic marlin as bycatch under ICCAT. The fork in the road: recovery or collapse
Ellen Peel, Russell Nelson and C. Phillip Goodyear
pp. 575-584