Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 58 Number 8 2007
MF06198Does adding wood to agricultural streams enhance biodiversity? An experimental approach
Rebecca E Lester, Wendy Wright and Michelle Jones-Lennon
pp. 687-698
MF07001Influence of upwelling on movement of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) in the Great Australian Bight
Jay Willis and Alistair J. Hobday
pp. 699-708
MF06121Processes driving circulation, exchange and flushing within intermittently closing and opening lakes and lagoons
Emma Gale, Charitha Pattiaratchi and Roshanka Ranasinghe
pp. 709-719
MF06195Investigating the association between pelagic fish and dimethylsulfoniopropionate in a natural coral reef system
Jennifer L. DeBose and Gabrielle A. Nevitt
pp. 720-724
MF07033Contribution of adult aquatic insects to riparian prey availability along tropical forest streams
Eric K. W. Chan, Yixin Zhang and David Dudgeon
pp. 725-732
MF07015Evidence of genetic subdivision among populations of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra Leach) in Tasmania
Nepelle Temby, Karen Miller and Craig Mundy
pp. 733-742
MF06176Adaptive traits in ecology, reproduction and early life history of Sesarma meridies, an endemic stream crab from Jamaica
Klaus Anger, Gabriela Torres and Uwe Nettelmann
pp. 743-755
MF06101Spatial distribution of commercial dredge fishing effort: application to survey design and the spatial management of a patchily distributed benthic bivalve species
Julian J. Harrington, Jayson M. Semmens and Malcolm Haddon
pp. 756-764
MF06187Reproductive synchrony of three sympatric species of wobbegong shark (genus Orectolobus) in New South Wales, Australia: reproductive parameter estimates necessary for population modelling
Charlie Huveneers, Terence I. Walker, Nicholas M. Otway and Robert G. Harcourt
pp. 765-777
MF06148Flushing time of solutes and pollutants in the central Great Barrier Reef lagoon, Australia
Yonghong Wang, Peter V. Ridd, Mal L. Heron, Thomas C. Stieglitz and Alan R. Orpin
pp. 778-791