Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 58 Number 7 2007
MF06216Diversity and depth-related patterns of mobile invertebrates associated with kelp forests
Melinda A. Coleman, Elaine Vytopil, Paris J. Goodsell, Bronwyn M. Gillanders and Sean D. Connell
pp. 589-595
MF06127Food web structure of a subtropical headwater stream
I-Yu Huang, Yao-Sung Lin, Chang-Po Chen and Hwey-Lian Hsieh
pp. 596-607
MF06213Biophysical correlates of relative abundances of marine megafauna at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia
Jai C. Sleeman, Mark G. Meekan, Steven G. Wilson, Curt K. S. Jenner, Micheline N. Jenner, Guy S. Boggs, Craig C. Steinberg and Corey J. A. Bradshaw
pp. 608-623
MF07011The distribution and abundance of dictyoceratid sponges in relation to hydrodynamic features: identifying candidates and environmental conditions for sponge aquaculture
R. J. Bannister, R. Brinkman, C. Wolff, C. Battershill and R. de Nys
pp. 624-633
MF06212Survival of Microcystis aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus under dark anaerobic conditions
X. L. Shi, F. X. Kong, Y. Yu and Z. Yang
pp. 634-639
MF06218Habitat type promotes rapid and extremely localised genetic differentiation in dolphins
Luciana M. Möller, Joanna Wiszniewski, Simon J. Allen and Luciano B. Beheregaray
pp. 640-648
MF06170Water and snow chemistry of main ions and trace elements in the karst system of Monte Pelmo massif (Dolomites, Eastern Alps, Italy)
Carlo Dossi, Elena Ciceri, Barbara Giussani, Andrea Pozzi, Antonio Galgaro, Alessia Viero and Alfio Viganò
pp. 649-656
MF06194Effects of canopy-mediated abrasion and water flow on the early colonisation of turf-forming algae
Bayden D. Russell
pp. 657-665
MF06095Effects of nutrient additions on intertidal seagrass (Zostera muelleri) habitat in Western Port, Victoria, Australia
Liz Morris, Gregory Jenkins, David Hatton and Timothy Smith
pp. 666-674
MF06183Partitioning the variation in stream fish assemblages within a spatio-temporal hierarchy
Ben Stewart-Koster, Mark J. Kennard, Bronwyn D. Harch, Fran Sheldon, Angela H. Arthington and Bradley J. Pusey
pp. 675-686