Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 45 Number 8 1994
MF9941375Classification of water regimes in systems of fluctuating water level
MD Brownlow, AD Sparrow and GG Ganf
pp. 1375-1385
MF9941387Effects of grazing and depth on two wetland plant species
SJ Blanch and MA Brock
pp. 1387-1394
MF9941421Effects of water-level changes induced by weirs on the distribution of littoral plants along the River Murray, South Australia
KF Walker, AJ Boulton, MC Thomas and F Sheldon
pp. 1421-1438
MF9941439Reliance of creek-side river red gums on creek water
PJ Thorburn, LJ Mensforth and GR Walker
pp. 1439-1443
MF9941459Water depth changes and biomass allocation in two contrasting macrophytes
N Rea and GG Ganf
pp. 1459-1468
MF9941469The role of sexual reproduction and water regime in shaping the distribution patterns of clonal emergent aquatic plants
N Rea and GG Ganf
pp. 1469-1479
MF9941481Ludwigia peruviana (Onagraceae) in the Botany Wetlands near Sydney, Australia
SWL Jacobs, F Perrett, GR Sainty, KH Bowmer and BJ Jacobs
pp. 1481-1490
MF9941521Biomass and above-ground productivity of salt-marsh plants in south-eastern Australia
PJ Clarke and CA Jacoby
pp. 1521-1528
MF9941543 Methane flux from beds of Baumea arthrophylla (Nees) Boeckeler and Triglochin procerum R. Br. at Bool Lagoon, South Australia
KL Muller, GG Ganf and PI Boon
pp. 1543-1553