Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 45 Number 6 1994
MF9940945Preliminary study of the ordination and classification of macroinvertebrate communities from running waters in Victoria, Australia
R Marchant, LA Barmuta and BC Chessman
pp. 945-962
MF9940963Effects of forestry activities (clearfelling) on stream macroinvertebrate fauna in south-western Australia
IO Growns and JA Davis
pp. 963-975
MF9940977Ash distribution and metal contents of Lake Illawarra bottom sediments
BE Chenhall, GE Batley, I Yassini, AM Depers and BG Jones
pp. 977-992
MF9940993Phase velocity and dispersion relations of surface gravity waves in shallow sea
VA Kalmykov
pp. 993-1006
MF9941007 Increments in otoliths and scales: How they relate to the age and early development of reared and wild larval and juvenile Pagrus auratus (Sparidae)
MJ Kingsford and MH Atkinson
pp. 1007-1021
MF9941023Diets of some larval Leptoceridae (Trichoptera) in south-eastern Australia
RM St.Clair
pp. 1023-1032
MF9941065Electrophoretic and morphological examination of Austrocochlea constricta (Gastropoda: Trochidae): A species complex
KE Parsons and RD Ward
pp. 1065-1085