Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 44 Number 3 1993
MF9930389Increased fecundity of the cladoceran Moinodaphnia macleayi on a diet supplemented with a green alga, and its use in uranium toxicity tests
RV Hyne, A Padovan, DL Parry and SM Renaud
pp. 389-399
MF9930411Aspects of the hyporheic zone below the terminus of a South Australian arid-zone stream
MP Cooling and AJ Boulton
pp. 411-426
MF9930437Limnological characteristics of two coastal Dune Lakes, Jervis Bay, South Eastern Australia
RH Norris, JL Moore, WA Maher and LP Wensing
pp. 437-458
MF9930473Use of acoustics to assess a small aggregation of orange roughy, Hoplostethus atlanticus (Collett), off the eastern coast of Tasmania
NG Elliott and RJ Kloser
pp. 473-482
MF9930483Invetebrate communities of Relict streams in the Arid Zone: the George Gill Range, Central Australia
JA Davis, SA Harrington and JA Friend
pp. 483-505
MF9930507Reproductive cycle of the common guitarfish, Rhinobatos rhinobatos (Linnaeus, 1758), in Alexandria waters, Mediterranean Sea
SH Abdel-Aziz, AN Khalil and SA Abdel-Maguid
pp. 507-517