Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 41 Number 4 1990
MF9900467210Pb/226Ra Disequilibria in Otoliths of Blue Grenadier, Macruronus novaezelandiae; Problems associated with Radiometric ageing
GE Fenton, DA Ritz and SA Short
pp. 467-473
MF9900505Macroalgae, in the Upper Yarra and Watts River catchments: Distribution and Phenology
TJ Entwisle
pp. 505-522
MF9900529Composition, seasonality and distribution of the Ichthyoplankton in the Lower Swan Estuary, South-western Australia
DJ Gaughan, FJ Neira, LE Beckey and IC Potter
pp. 529-543
MF9900545Effect of temperature on the Emergence, activity and feeding of male and female Sand Crabs (Portunus pelagicus)
WD Sumpton and GS Smith
pp. 545-550