Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 32 Number 1 1981
MF9810045 Trace metal contamination of shallow marine sediments near a lead smelter, Spencer Gulf, South Australia
TJ Ward and PC Young
pp. 45-56
MF9810057Effects of a barrage on flushing and water quality in the Fitzroy River estuary, Queensland
DW Connell, BM Bycroft, GJ Miller and P Lather
pp. 57-63
MF9810065Distribution of poycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments from estuaries of south-eastern Australia
J Bagg, D Smith and WA Maher
pp. 65-73
MF9810093Fish movement upstream through a central Queensland (Fitzroy River) coastal fishway
J Kowarsky and AH Ross
pp. 93-109
MF9810133Faunal assemblages of some saline lakes near Marchagee, Western Australia
SA Halse
pp. 133-142