![Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research](/covers/MF_generic.jpg)
Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 23 Number 2 1972
MF9720085Brackish-water plankton and their environment in the Werribee River, Victoria.
GH Arnott and SU Hussainy
pp. 85-98
MF9720099 Structure functions and intensities if ocean circulation off east and west Australia
BV Hamon and GR Cresswell
pp. 99-104
MF9720105Occurrence of silica in the natural waters of the Huntley-Robertson district, southern New South Wales
M Johnson and WD Johnson
pp. 105-119
MF9720121 The major ions of some lakes and other waters in Queensland, Australia
IAE Bayly and WD Williams
pp. 121-132
MF9720143Preliminary mortality rates of marked king prawns Penaeus plebejus, in laboratory tanks
C Lucas, PC Young and JK Brundritt
pp. 143-150