Biodiversity patterns of macrofauna associated with Halodule wrightii (Ascherson) in meadows of north-eastern Brazil
Maria L. M. Vieira

Seagrass meadows are highly productive habitats with a vast species diversity that perform multiple ecosystem services. The fauna associated with these environments is responsible for many of the ecosystem services. Therefore, the fauna composition and functional characteristics should be considered in studies addressing seagrass meadows.
This study aimed to evaluate the differences in the taxonomic and functional compositions of the macrofauna associated with Halodule wrightii (Ascherson) meadows subject to different settings of habitat characteristics in the shallow coastal regions of the north-eastern coast of Brazil.
We used the Hill diversity series to estimate taxonomic diversity, whereas functional diversity was estimated through biological-trait analyses.
Distinct patterns of taxonomic and functional diversities were observed among meadows. However, the composition of functional traits diverged more. Lower taxonomic and functional diversity were observed in the Suape meadows, with values mainly related to the low organic matter content. Catuama meadows presented opposite results, associated with higher organic matter and plant density.
The meadow heterogeneity can influence the associated macrofauna and its functional characteristics.
These results are highly relevant for predicting the consequences of changes in seagrass meadows and how this affects the functioning of these ecosystems.
Keywords: benthic ecology, biodiversity, biological traits, coastal zone, north-eastern Brazil, seagrass, tropical region.
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