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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

Age and growth of Freshwater Herring, Potamalosa richmondia Macleay (Clupeidae: Hyperlophinae), in the Bellinger River, NSW

RWJ Pidgeon

Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 40(6) 679 - 692
Published: 1989


The freshwater herring, Potamalosa richmondia Macleay, is a catadromous fish that inhabits coastal rivers of New South Wales. Estimates of the age and growth of this species in the Bellinger River were made from scales. Comparison of scale ages with those from whole otoliths and burnt otolith sections from a sample of 30 fish aged at 2 to 8 years resulted in a 73 and 79% exact agreement and a 97 and 100% agreement within one year, respectively. Marginal-increment analysis of the scales indicated that the annulus was formed during the winter, which is also the spawning season. The ageing method was validated for age classes of 2 to 8 years by these procedures. The age at the first annulus and at ages 9 to 11 years could not be validated. The oldest fish examined was estimated to be 11 years old. The growth rate was very slow in comparison with that of other clupeids. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation, based on lengths and ages at capture, were L = 252.7 mm, K = 0.126, and t0 = -2.77 years. There was no difference between the sexes in their growth in length. However, the length-weight relationships of males and females were different, with females longer than 180 mm weighing more than males of the same length. The predicted weights at the asymptotic length were 213.2 g for males and 257.6 g for females.

© CSIRO 1989

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