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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

Feeding in a Nocturnally active fish, Galaxias brevipinnis, in a New Zealand stream

GJ Glova and PM Sagar

Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 40(3) 231 - 240
Published: 1989


To determine the diel feeding periodicity and diet of a lake-inlet population of Galaxias brevipinnis in New Zealand, samples of benthos, drift and fish were collected over a 24-h period in summer. Both numerically and gravimetrically, fish stomach contents revealed that feeding started some time after sunset, peaked towards midnight, and virtually ceased after sunrise. Benthic invertebrates were consumed almost exclusively, with ephemeropterans, trichopterans, and dipterans constituting 95% of the total foods eaten, a major proportion being chironomid larvae. Size of prey eaten compared with size of invertebrates in the benthos differed significantly during the night; this indicated that some size-selective feeding occurred. The benthic feeding habit of Galaxias brevipinnis appears to allow it to forage on relatively small prey during the night, a phenomenon that has been reported for other bottom-dwelling native fish species in New Zealand.

© CSIRO 1989

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