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Marine and Freshwater Research Marine and Freshwater Research Society
Advances in the aquatic sciences

Salinity tolerance and absorption of L-Methionine by some Australian bivalve molluscs

JA Nell and PJ Gibbs

Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 37(6) 721 - 727
Published: 1986


The salinity tolerance range of the scallop Pecten fumatus Reeve was 25-40 g 1-1, of the pipi (clam) Plebidonax deltoides (Lamarck) and the flat oyster Ostrea angasi Sowerby, 20-45 g I-1, and of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis planulatus Lamarck and the Sydney cockle Anadara trapezia (Deshayes), 15-45 g I-1. All of these bivalves absorbed substantial amounts of the amino acid L-methionine directly from seawater.

© CSIRO 1986

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