Studies on the Ecology of the New Zealand Long-finned Eel, Anguilla dieffenbachii Gray
AMR Burnet
Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
3(1) 32 - 63
Published: 1952
Experimental trapping of eels, using carrion-baited traps, was carried out on a number of rivers of various types throughout New Zealand. Where possible, a mathematical analysis has been applied to the trapping results and an estimate of the efficiency obtained.
Total trappable population densities of between 30 and 1,368 lb./ac. Were found. An attempt has been made to correlate type of river with the population density. The amount of cover present is apparently the limiting factor.
The baited trap takes very few eels of less than 24 in. long and is thus not a very efficient means of keeping a stream free from eels. The feeding habits of the eel are generalized and readily adaptable to most faunas. In most rivers trout occurred only infrequently in the stomach contents.
© CSIRO 1952