A review of urchin barrens and the longspined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in New South Wales, Australia
Rachel Przeslawski

Centrostephanus rodgersii is the most dominant urchin species in south-eastern Australia and the primary macroalgal grazer, thus creating and maintaining barrens habitat. The role, formation and persistence of barrens are common topics of interest among academic, industry, Indigenous, conservation and government groups.
This review focuses on the role of barrens habitat and C. rodgersii in New South Wales (NSW), with an aim to inform debate and guide continued inter-jurisdictional management and research.
Over 30 years of research shows that barrens occur across most of the NSW coastline, but they tend to be larger and more numerous along the southern coast. Centrostephanus rodgersii and barrens have remained stable in shallow NSW waters since the 1960s, but limited earlier data prevent the identification of longer historical patterns. Climate change predictions show that C. rodgersii may disappear from northern NSW and increase along the far NSW southern coast over the next 100 years, although this may be modulated by local thermally acclimated populations.
This review indicates that the presence, persistence and role of barrens and C. rodgersii seem unique in NSW and likely warrant different management strategies as the species shifts its distribution.
Keywords: coralline algae, echinoderm, kelp, macroalgae, marine invertebrate, rocky reef, shifting baseline, south-eastern Australia.
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