Environmental predictors of forest structure, tree growth and wood production for Xylocarpus granatum in mixed-species mangrove forests
Alistar I. Robertson
Restored mangrove forests are threatened by the restricted range of species used. Xylocarpus granatum has excellent timber and could add value in mangrove plantings.
Forest structure and environmental variables were measured at 40 sites in northern Australia and Papua New Guinea. Tree growth was measured at 18 sites. Boosted regression tree modelling identified environmental predictor variables for above-ground biomass for X. granatum (AGBX), mean annual increment in diameter at breast height (DBH) for X. granatum (MAIX) and wood production (PW).
To determine the environmental conditions under which X. granatum has the greatest biomass and growth.
Increasing stem density, basal area and AGB of other tree species were most important in limiting AGBX. MAIX (range 0.03–0.55 cm year−1) was greatest when sediment redox potential was >100 mV and mean annual catchment rainfall was >4000 mm. MAIX increased with an increasing mean minimum air temperature and sediment percentage silt and percentage phosphorus. PW declined with the stem density of all species and increased with an increasing percentage silt and when sediment redox potential was >180 mV.
Under optimal conditions, X. granatum grows as fast as most mangrove species and could make an excellent, harvestable addition to the species mix used in restoration projects.
Keywords: aboveground biomass, boosted regression trees, environmental predictor variables, growth, mangrove, tree height, wood production, Xylocarpus granatum.
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