Impact of severe drought on movement and survival of freshwater turtles in the Gwydir Wetlands, Australia
Annette R. Deppe
The increasing number and length of droughts is a threat for many freshwater turtle populations.
Our study investigated the movement and survival of Emydura macquarii, Chelodina expansa and Chelodina longicollis in drought and flood conditions.
Turtles were captured in the Gwydir Wetland, New South Wales, Australia. We assessed the species composition of live captures and carcasses over the drought to assess relative survival among species. Using radiotelemetry, we compared the movement of E. macquarii and C. longicollis over a severe drought followed by a flood.
For tracked turtles with known fates, 28.6% of E. macquarii and 7.1% of C. longicollis, died during the drought. The proportional composition of captured turtles compared with those of desiccated shells suggested that C. expansa had the highest mortality. E. macquarii and C. longicollis both appeared to navigate terrestrially and moved further in the flood water than in the drought, but C. longicollis moved further generally.
Our findings suggest that turtles in isolated wetlands of the northern Murray–Darling Basin are at high risk of mortality during severe drought.
Environmental water delivery during periods of sustained drought will be critical to ensure persistence of populations of long-lived species such as turtles.
Keywords: Chelodina expansa, Chelodina longicollis, drought, Emydura macquarii, flood, movement, radio transmitter, refuge, survival, tracking, turtle, wetland.
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