Impact of secondary salinisation on freshwater ecosystems: effects of contrasting, experimental, short-term releases of saline wastewater on macroinvertebrates in a lowland stream
Nadine A. Marshall A B and Paul C. E. Bailey A CA School of Biological Sciences and CRC Freshwater Ecology, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia.
B Present address: Department of Marine Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4810, Australia.
C Corresponding author. Email:
Marine and Freshwater Research 55(5) 509-523
Submitted: 11 February 2003 Accepted: 22 April 2004 Published: 5 August 2004
In Australia, secondary salinisation of land and water resources is a serious environmental problem. We conducted two field experiments to examine the effects on macroinvertebrates of increased salt concentration (approximately 1000 and 2000 mg L–1 total dissolved solids (TDS)) and mode of salt water release (continuous press release approximately 1500 mg L–1 and four, separate pulses of approximately 3400 mg L–1 TDS). The abundance of the gastropod Ferrissia tasmanica, the mayfly Baetis sp. 5 and scraper and predator functional feeding groups were significantly reduced at 1500 mg L–1, with the effect exacerbated in pulse release channels. Moreover, the pooled abundance of Oligochaeta, Copepoda and Acarina was significantly reduced at 2000 mg L–1 and the number of drifting animals in the pulse treatment channels significantly increased following commencement of salt water release during daylight hours. In contrast, the abundance of 49 other macroinvertebrate taxa, collector–gatherer functional group and species diversity were unaffected by salinity or release schedule. We conclude that much of the existing macroinvertebrate fauna appears to be halotolerant. However, the abundance of halosensitive species will be reduced at 1500 mg L–1. Delivering short pulses of high salt concentration is more detrimental than delivering the same salt load at a low concentration over a longer period of time.
Extra keywords: Baetis, benthic macroinvertebrates, Ferrissia tasmanica, lowland rivers, salt pollution.
Funding for this project and a postgraduate scholarship to N. A. M. was provided by grant UMO18, from the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation to P. C. E. B. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. Permission to conduct this work was granted by the Environment Protection Agency, Victoria. We sincerely thank the following colleagues for untiring help in the field: Paul Marshall, Jim Radford, Deb Nias, Annaleise Sampey, Mich Cubberley, Judy Dundas, and Bryce Stewart. Danny Vertessy and John Hawking provided taxonomic help. Gerry Quinn and Graeme Inglis provided statistical advice. Michael Barry, Kay Morris, Paul Boon, Elisa Raulings, and an anonymous referee are thanked for their constructive critical comments on earlier drafts.
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