Microbiology Australia
Volume 37 Number 2 2016
Education to Enhance Microbiology Graduate Employability
MA16027Graduate employment trends in the life sciences: implications for microbiology educators
John V Smith, Danilla Grando and Nina Fotinatos
pp. 56-59
MA16021What do Life Science employers look for in graduates?
Danilla Grando, Catherine Pocknee, Bronwyn Clarke and Margaret Jollands
pp. 60-64
MA16022Curriculum design for research-led teaching: Molecule to Malady
Helen Cain, Richard Strugnell and Frederic Hollande
pp. 65-68
MA16022 Abstract | MA16022 Full Text | MA16022PDF (587 KB) | MA16022Supplementary Material (21.8 MB)
MA16024Training PhD students to bridge the Academia–Industry gap
Priscilla Johanesen, Jose Garcia-Bustos and Paul Wood
pp. 73-75
MA16025Embedding research ethics and integrity into undergraduate practical classes
Karena L Waller, Daniel P Barr, Paul M Taylor and Odilia L Wijburg
pp. 76-80
MA16030Providing an authentic experience of laboratory accreditation processes in a final year microbiology unit
Michael Phillips and Julie Markham
pp. 90-92
MA16031Threshold learning outcomes for a microbiology major
C Burke, H Cain, N Coleman, D Grando, M Hughes, P Johanesen, J Lategan, M Lloyd, J Markham, M Mohideen, K Waller and J Wang
pp. 93-97
MA16032BD student Awardee values networking opportunities offered by the ASM Conference
Christopher Atkinson
pp. 98-98